
C'est le mundo de un cara tre interesante y bien cool chido legal genial bacan guay chevere chingon padre

Saturday, May 29, 2004

Blessed We Stand

War is never so Great
Pray for Afghanistan
Blessed we stand
God unite the World
Ojala que
Our sacred shopping malls
never feel fury
Like Italian villages WWII American bombs fall

The Fall of the Economy
is so bitter
I've alwayes liked Fall
but soon it's Winter
I want to smother myself
Drowning in Afghan blankets
with Love, skin, body heat
Forget the outside World
The air outside of ours
is not worth breathing

Blessed we stand
God unite the World
All the TV's say:
"America Stikes Back!"
Why not
"America Seeks Justice"?
I thought that was what it really was

Blessed we stand
God unite the World
America's time of crisis?
We're stil better off than anyone
look at Israel, Palestine, Bosnia, Sudan
Pray for them
They really need it
Pray for them
Some are barely eating

God bless Iraq
God bless Syria
God bless Afghanistan
They need it too
Curse the Taliban if you want
They'd curse you too
But pray for Afghan children
In the desert and the snow
with warplanes and soliders
They're worse-off

Blessed we Stand
God Unite the World


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