July 4, 2006
So the thing that most caught my attention today was Italy's victory over Germany in the world cup. I guess I am a traitor... America's big day and I am thinking more about 'soccer' than fireworks and hotdogs. ( I don't eat hot dogs because I don't eat pork.)
But... it must be known that when the Cup began all my heart was in the US winning. Was it likely? No. but I had hope.
Ghana sent the Americans home. After that I hoped that Mexico would go far... Mexico has never one the CUp and hell, more people in this country care about Mexican football than the US team.
Argentina eliminated Mexico. So then I hoped that Argentina's young team would do well. Beyond that I would have liked to see Brazil domiante the Europeon powers..
Nope... by the quater finals only European teams are left.
Portugal has never won.. maybe they can surprise me.
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