ego sum, ego sonido
ego sum, ego sonido
I feast with Arabs in the sunlight during Ramadan
I smoke weed and listen to church bells ring
I dream in color- dreams that I forget
I defend the blacks from the whites and the whites from the blacks
I declare that God is One, There is no Allah but Allah and Mohamed is his Prophet and Jesus the Messiah.
I sleep under a rosario and when I awake I curse the hour
I have crossed the Rio Grande illegally in both directions and found both sides equally inviting and equally hostile
I never felt more American than when I was in Paris
I sat on the banks of the Seine discussing life with Brazilian-American and contemplated how many must have drowned themselves, first with wine and then in the river.
I have defended the hijab to Arab women and told Muslim women they should not feel obligated to wear it.
I have accepted Jesus by denying Christ
I have gained a little something by everyplace I have visited, but I have also left a piece of myself behind
I ate carne asada in the sombra of el cerro de la silla
I drank wine in the shadow of Notre Dame
I have swam in a stone quarry in Northeastern Ohio
I have driven the early hours north on 1-35 to Dallas
I have been assualted by food in Section 8 Indian apartment
I can smell tamales and curry at the same time in my own mind
I have ridden trains illegally to go downtown and taken African taxi cab back home
I treat everyone as equal because no one is better than me, and no one is worse.
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