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Sunday, October 24, 2004

Clesius 41.11

movie page http://www.celsius4111.com/

Celsius 41.11
supposedly thats the tempature at which the brain beings to die, and thus that movie was meant for the brain-dead. Supposedly the movie refutes Micheal Moore's Fahrenheit 9-11 movie. If you see the promo poster for Celsius it makes a promise of being sort of humorous, but the movie is not entertaining at all.

I will admit that Fhrenheit 9-11 is a blatently biased movie, too much soreally. I will say that amongMicheal Moore's movies it is not the best, I think I might prefere all the other. However, you have to admit that the film is decently done... it is made in an entertaining way, and beyond that it brings up lots of important facts... yes facts. It is a FACT that the Bush family is highly connected to the Saudi royal family and the BIn LAden family. Is the Bin Laden family a family of terrorists?? no . . . Is the Saudi money in the Bush family and the US economy in and of it self a bad thing? no. Guess what, Micheal Mooore never says any of those things... his movie is good because it displays facts in an intersting way that makes your brain logically come to a conclusion. He doesn;t sit on screen and tell you his opion and expect you to beleive it.

This movie did... it had 4 or 5 guys and 2 o 3 women that narrated their opinos about Bush and the issues he has been invlolved with. They tell you that Arabs want to kill us, that the Iraq war has spread democary through the Middle East, Clinton was in love with Yassar Arrafat, violence is the only solution... they just say the things, there is no support for the arguments... ehh

The movie did bring up so intersting things about the Florida election- it claims that no voters were turned away at the polls... hard to believe.. is it a lie? and also some valid criticism of John Kerry.

but overall.. shitty movie


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