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Friday, December 16, 2005

Being a good host

I realized that some people (usually of the fairer skin type) are terrible hosts. So I am setting out a set of rules that are for being a good host. (Note: if you are Hispanic, Indian, or Arab you probably have no need to read this because your parents taught you to be hospitable.)

1) Do not consider letting someone into your home a favor. You are fortunate to have guests. Especially if you invite someone over, then you have no place to pretend that they owe you something.

2) Greet your guests with a smile and an enthusiastic saludo. It not enough to just say "hey" and immediatly look away. It makes your guests feel unwelcome.

3) Do not eat or drink in front of your guests without offering them something. If you do not have enough to offer then you should refrain from eating or drinking while your guests are present. Going so far as to prohibit your guests from eating or drinking what you have is very rude.

4) Do not invite someone into your house and then leave them un-entertained as you partake in another activitiy, such as sleeping. If you must then politely say: "I am tired I have to sleep now. Thank you for visiting. See you tomorrow."

5) As a new person arrive to your house, introduce them to the others already present if they are not aquainted. This goes for many other situations too. There is a simply thing called empathy. You should realize that your guest will feel uncomfortable in your home if he/she does not know any of the other guests.

6) See-off your guests and make them feel as if they were welcome back any time, even if that isn't true!


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