
C'est le mundo de un cara tre interesante y bien cool chido legal genial bacan guay chevere chingon padre

Saturday, December 17, 2005


So, Congress passed a bill that secures the borders and now makes it a felony to enter and live in the country without documentation. Now when people call immigrants "illegals" and "criminals" they are basically right.

I think it's a shame... I can see the need for building a fence on the border and taking other means to secure it, but passing a bill that instantly makes 15 million people in this country into felons seems unproductive.

Every year 300,000 people come to the US from Mexico LEGALLY. That is the maximum number of visas allotted for Mexico. Anyone else who wishes to, or needs to, come to the US from Mexico must do so "illegally." It is estimated that between another 1 million and 3 million people come here without papers.

Why do they come? For jobs... and we need them here. If there were no illegal immigrants in Dallas then no one could eat because: those immigrants work on the farms that grow the food, in the factories where they pack the food, in the stores and restaurants where you buy that food... etc... no building could be built or maintained because at least 70% of that work force is made of illegal immigrants.

The problem of Illegal Immigration? The only problem/ the only harm of illegal immigration is what is done to the immigrants. They are the ones that must live a clandestine life, fearfull of the policy, without the ability to do most of the things we take for granted such as purchasing a home or a car. Now more than ever illegal immigrant know that at anytime the government can arrest them and deport them and take away everything they have worked for.

There is a myth that immigrants come into this country and drain away public resources. They get free medical care right? Hmmm.. tell me wher eyou can get free medical care in this country and I will get in line. The only places like that are hospitals like Parkland which 1) are horrible places and 2) are funded by local taxes. But immigrants don't pay taxes! What is that statement based on? Do they have some card that they use at Wal-Mart that discounts the sales tax? Does the rent they pay not go to pay property taxes? Even amny illegal immigrants pay federal income tax, without the opportunity to collect a refund. So illegals actually contrigute more than blue collar citizens who get part of their tax money back.

One solution to illegal immigration: Legalize it! A realistic quota for Mexican immigrants, somewhere around 1 million, would mean that many many fewer immigrants would try to swim the Rio Grande or cross the desert to enter the country illegally. A lower number of workers trying to cross the border would make it easier for Border Patrol agents to spot drug smuggelers and potential terrorists trying to enter the country.

Logic is wonderful for solveing problems people!


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