
C'est le mundo de un cara tre interesante y bien cool chido legal genial bacan guay chevere chingon padre

Friday, December 23, 2005

The Wedenesday before Thanksgiving

Ya la habibi ya la
I feel like Rumi
Walking alone
In the cold dark empty road
And I am happy
Blanketed by a sky full of stars
Knitted into the street lights
In my blurred mind
Stoned on sheesha and hashish
With the lost noises
I listen to my own footsteps
As if they lean me on
ya la habibi ya la
Wilid night like
Whiriling dervish
On the dance floor
Friends who adore
The look in their eyes
and then
The night ends
Ya la habibi ya la

Saturday, December 17, 2005


So, Congress passed a bill that secures the borders and now makes it a felony to enter and live in the country without documentation. Now when people call immigrants "illegals" and "criminals" they are basically right.

I think it's a shame... I can see the need for building a fence on the border and taking other means to secure it, but passing a bill that instantly makes 15 million people in this country into felons seems unproductive.

Every year 300,000 people come to the US from Mexico LEGALLY. That is the maximum number of visas allotted for Mexico. Anyone else who wishes to, or needs to, come to the US from Mexico must do so "illegally." It is estimated that between another 1 million and 3 million people come here without papers.

Why do they come? For jobs... and we need them here. If there were no illegal immigrants in Dallas then no one could eat because: those immigrants work on the farms that grow the food, in the factories where they pack the food, in the stores and restaurants where you buy that food... etc... no building could be built or maintained because at least 70% of that work force is made of illegal immigrants.

The problem of Illegal Immigration? The only problem/ the only harm of illegal immigration is what is done to the immigrants. They are the ones that must live a clandestine life, fearfull of the policy, without the ability to do most of the things we take for granted such as purchasing a home or a car. Now more than ever illegal immigrant know that at anytime the government can arrest them and deport them and take away everything they have worked for.

There is a myth that immigrants come into this country and drain away public resources. They get free medical care right? Hmmm.. tell me wher eyou can get free medical care in this country and I will get in line. The only places like that are hospitals like Parkland which 1) are horrible places and 2) are funded by local taxes. But immigrants don't pay taxes! What is that statement based on? Do they have some card that they use at Wal-Mart that discounts the sales tax? Does the rent they pay not go to pay property taxes? Even amny illegal immigrants pay federal income tax, without the opportunity to collect a refund. So illegals actually contrigute more than blue collar citizens who get part of their tax money back.

One solution to illegal immigration: Legalize it! A realistic quota for Mexican immigrants, somewhere around 1 million, would mean that many many fewer immigrants would try to swim the Rio Grande or cross the desert to enter the country illegally. A lower number of workers trying to cross the border would make it easier for Border Patrol agents to spot drug smuggelers and potential terrorists trying to enter the country.

Logic is wonderful for solveing problems people!

Friday, December 16, 2005

Águas de Março (Waters of March)

É pau é pedra
It's wood, it's stone

É o fim do caminho
It's the end of the road

É o resto do toco
It's the rest of the stump

É o pouco sozinho
It's a little alone


É um caco de vidro
It's a sliver of glass

É a vida, é o sol
It is life, it's the sun

É a noite é a morte
It is night, it is death

É o laço é o anzol
It's a trap, it's the bait

É peroba do campo
It's peroba of the field

Nó na madeira
The knot in the wood


Caingá, candeia
Caingá?, lamp

É matita-pereira
It's the matita-pereira tree

É madeira de vento
It's wood of the wind

Tombo da ribanceira
Falls of the river bank

É o mistério profundo
It's the profound mystery

É o queira no queira
It's the want in the don't want

É um vento ventando
It's the wind blowing free

É o fim da ladeira
It's the end of a slope

É a viga é o vão
It's the beam, it's a void

Festa da cumeeira
Ridge beam festival

É a chuva chovendo
It's the rain coming down

A conversa ribeira
The riverbank talks

Das águas do março
of the waters of march

É o fim da canseira
It's the end of the strain

É o pé é o chão
It's the foot, It's the ground

É a marcha estradeira
It's the beat of the road

Passarinho na mão
Small bird in the hand

Pedra de atiradeira
A slingshot stone

Uma ave no céu
A bird in the sky

Uma ave no chão
A bird on the ground

É um regato, é uma fonte
it's a creek, it's a fountain

É um pedaço de pão
it's a piece of bread

É o fundo do poço
It's the bed of the well

É o fim do caminho
It's the end of the road

no rosto desgosto
The dismay in the face

É um pouco sozinho
It's a little alone

É um estrepe é um prego
It's a point, It's a nail

É uma ponte um ponto
It's a bridge, its a point

É um pingo pingando
It's the drop dripping

É uma conta, um canto
It's an account, a story

É um peixe, um gesto
It's a fish, a gesture

É uma prata brilhando
It's the silvery glow

É a luz da manhã
It's the soft morning light

É o tijolo chegando
It's the brick arriving

É a lenha, é o dia
It's the firewood, It's the day

É o fim da picada
It's the end of the trail

É a garrafa de cana
It's the bottle of liquor

Estilhaço na estrada
Splinter in the road

É o projeto da casa
It's the plans of the house

É o corpo na cama
It's the body in bed

É o carro enguiçado
It's the broken car

É a lama, é a lama
It's the mud, It's the mud

É um passo, uma ponte
It's a footstep, it's a bridge

É um sapo é uma rã
It's a toad, it's a frog

É um resto de mato
It's the rest of thicket

na luz da manhã
in the light of the morning

São as águas de março
They are the waters of march

fechando o verão
closing the summer

É promessa de vida
It's the promise of life

no teu coração
in your heart


É uma cobra, um pau
It's a snake, a stick

É João, é José
It's John, It's Joseph

É um espinho na mau
It's a thorn in your hand

É um corte no pé
It's the cut on your foot

São as águas de março
They are the waters of march

fechando o verão
closing the summer

É a promessa de vida
It's the promise of life

no teu coração
in your heart


É um passo uma ponte
It's a footstep, a bridge

É um sapo é uma rã
It's a toad, it's a frog

É um belo horizonte
It's the beautiful horizon

É uma febre terçã
Its the third fever

São as águas de março
They are the waters of march

fechando o verão
closing the summer

É a promesa da vida
It's the promise of life

no teu coração
in your heart


Is Democracy only a luxuary to be had by the most stable countries? or could it be a means to an end in conflict area?

Why not have a referendum in Kashmir to let the Kashmiris decide weather they want to be part of India or Pakistan, or be independent. Isn't that what freedom and democracy are about? Or how about in Palestine? Both Isrealis and Palestinains could vote on so called "ROad maps" to peace.

Democracy and government are no synoyms and are almost contradictory. What the government wants and what the people want are in conflict many times. The US, the world's self-proclaimed leading democracy, has never had a nationwide referendum about any issue.

It seems that in instances when democracy would result in something other than what serves the purposes of the government, then the authorities side-step democratic procedures. They only permit the people to use their power when both results are acceptable to the government.


ego sum, ego sonido

ego sum, ego sonido

I feast with Arabs in the sunlight during Ramadan

I smoke weed and listen to church bells ring

I dream in color- dreams that I forget

I defend the blacks from the whites and the whites from the blacks

I declare that God is One, There is no Allah but Allah and Mohamed is his Prophet and Jesus the Messiah.

I sleep under a rosario and when I awake I curse the hour

I have crossed the Rio Grande illegally in both directions and found both sides equally inviting and equally hostile

I never felt more American than when I was in Paris

I sat on the banks of the Seine discussing life with Brazilian-American and contemplated how many must have drowned themselves, first with wine and then in the river.

I have defended the hijab to Arab women and told Muslim women they should not feel obligated to wear it.

I have accepted Jesus by denying Christ

I have gained a little something by everyplace I have visited, but I have also left a piece of myself behind

I ate carne asada in the sombra of el cerro de la silla

I drank wine in the shadow of Notre Dame

I have swam in a stone quarry in Northeastern Ohio

I have driven the early hours north on 1-35 to Dallas

I have been assualted by food in Section 8 Indian apartment

I can smell tamales and curry at the same time in my own mind

I have ridden trains illegally to go downtown and taken African taxi cab back home

I treat everyone as equal because no one is better than me, and no one is worse.

Being a good host

I realized that some people (usually of the fairer skin type) are terrible hosts. So I am setting out a set of rules that are for being a good host. (Note: if you are Hispanic, Indian, or Arab you probably have no need to read this because your parents taught you to be hospitable.)

1) Do not consider letting someone into your home a favor. You are fortunate to have guests. Especially if you invite someone over, then you have no place to pretend that they owe you something.

2) Greet your guests with a smile and an enthusiastic saludo. It not enough to just say "hey" and immediatly look away. It makes your guests feel unwelcome.

3) Do not eat or drink in front of your guests without offering them something. If you do not have enough to offer then you should refrain from eating or drinking while your guests are present. Going so far as to prohibit your guests from eating or drinking what you have is very rude.

4) Do not invite someone into your house and then leave them un-entertained as you partake in another activitiy, such as sleeping. If you must then politely say: "I am tired I have to sleep now. Thank you for visiting. See you tomorrow."

5) As a new person arrive to your house, introduce them to the others already present if they are not aquainted. This goes for many other situations too. There is a simply thing called empathy. You should realize that your guest will feel uncomfortable in your home if he/she does not know any of the other guests.

6) See-off your guests and make them feel as if they were welcome back any time, even if that isn't true!

Bombas Suicidas

Suicide bombers: by far the boldest and most outrageous form of terrorism.

I recently saw the movie Paradise Now which is a fictional story about 2 Palestinian men chosen to be suicide bombers and the moral dilema that creates for them.

My state is thus: I see the act of suicide bombing, as all terroist acts, as an un-excusable act of violence which hurts all sides of an issue. However, those that carry out the acts demand a certain empathy. Anyone who is willing to sacrifice their life for a cause is certainly in a desperate situation... that doesn't excuse their actions but the issue is dynamic.

An intelligent person should be capable of judging a person on more than their actions.

Estados Unidos

Los gringos no quieren tener otro Fidel Castro en America Latina, sino quieren un fidel castrado.

The U.S. doesn't want another Fidel Castro in Latin America, but they do want another fidel castrado (Spanish for loyal and castrated.)

Try this!

Step 1- Take a normal cardboard box.

Step 2- Fill it with candy.

Step 3- Write on the box in arabic: "This is a box full of candy. Have some. Free Candy" and other similar phrases.

Step 4- Leave the box in a public space.

Step 5- Call me so I can bail you out of jail after you get arrested for making a bomb threat.